
May13th, Lehigh University, Prof. Chao Zhou Talk Announcement


Title: Applications of Optical Coherence Tomography and Microscopy in 

          Biology and Medicine

Speaker: Chao Zhou, PhD

               Lehigh University

Time: May 13th, 19:00

Venue: Rm. 302, Integrated Science Research Center



Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is apowerful tool for assessing tissue architectural morphology. It enablesthree-dimensional (3D) imaging with micron-scale resolutions, and can beperformed in vivo and in real-time without the need to remove andprocess specimens. OCM combines OCT with confocal microscopy in order toachieve high transverse resolutions, thus enabling 3D visualization ofcellular features. OCT has gradually become the standard-of-care tonon-invasively evaluate retinal pathology in ophthalmologyclinics.Recently, applications of OCT and OCM have started to grow inother clinical and scientific areas.In this seminar, novel applicationsusing OCT and OCM for investigation of heart development in Drosophila,evaluation of seizure-induced neuronal changes in brain slices, cancerdiagnosis in pathology laboratory, and recent technical advances (e.g.space-division multiplexing OCT) will be presented.



Dr. Chao Zhou obtained his Ph.D. degree inphysics in 2007 from the University of Pennsylvania, where he workedwith Professor Arjun G. Yodh on the development of diffuse opticalspectroscopy and imaging techniques.In August 2007, Dr. Zhou joinedProfessor James G. Fujimoto's Laser Medicine and Medical Imaging Groupat the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a postdoctoralassociate. Since then, he has been working on the development of OpticalCoherence Tomography (OCT) and Optical Coherence Microscopy (OCM)technologies. In 2012, Dr. Zhou joined the faculty at Lehigh Universityas an assistant professor in electrical engineering and bioengineering.Dr. Zhou has extensive experience in the field of biomedical opticalimaging and has contributed to the development and validation of novelmodalities for the imaging of humans and animals with variousapplications ranging from measuring the brain function to monitoringcancer treatments. Dr. Zhou has published 47 peer-reviewed journalarticles, and is a member of the International Society for OpticalEngineering, American Heart Association, and the International Societyfor Cerebral Blood flow and Metabolism. Dr. Zhou is a recipient ofnumerous honors and awards, including the National Institute of Health(NIH) Pathway to Independence Award.