
Nov. 16th, Andrew Marshall, How to get published in Nature Biotechnology

How to get published in Nature Biotechnology

Speaker: Andrew Marshall, Chief Editor of Nature Biotechnology

Time: Nov. 16th (Wed.) 2011, 10: 00 AM

Location: Lecture Hall 101(Deng Youcai Lecture Hall). School of Life 

                Sciences, Peking University

Host: Prof. Xiaodong Su


Andrew Marshall has been Chief Editor of Nature Biotechnology since 2000. In the intervening period, the journal’s impact factor has risen from 11.4 to 31.1. As well as frequently speaking on biotechnology issues at international meetings, he regularly heads and organizes conferences and symposia for Nature Publishing Group, including the acclaimed SciCafe series that brings together industry R&D leaders, investors and up-and-coming academic investigators in Boston, San Francisco and London. He has 19 years of experience in scientific publishing and was previously Editor of Current Opinion in Biotechnology from1992 to 1996. He has written over 150 articles and editorials on science and technology for the popular media, including The Economist and Popular Science, and for trade publications. In 2003, he launched Bioentrepreneur (www.nature.com/bioent), a free-access web portal that provides practical information and advice on the challenges of starting a biotechnology company. He obtained his PhD and postdoctoral experience in molecular biology and microbiology at King’s College London. He is the recipient of the Helen White Prize.