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Professor Yiqin Gao took office as Dean of College of Chemistry


On Jan. 14th, 2015, Professor Yiqin Gao took his office as Dean of College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering (CCME).

Professor Yiqin Gao is Cheong Kong Professor and NSFC Outstanding Young Investigator. Born in 1972, he received his B.S. in Chemistry from Sichuan University, China in 1993 and Ph.D. in Chemistry from California Institute of Technology in 2001. He completed his postdoctoral researches at Caltech and Harvard University and then became an assistant professor at Texas A&M University. He joined CCME at PKU in 2010 and BIOPIC in 2013 respectively.

Gao lab is doing research in the fields of theoretical/computational chemistry and biophysical chemistry. They are developing efficient computational methods and statistical mechanics tools to study the conformations of biological molecules in aqueous solutions, mechanisms of enzymatic reactions, and the solvation effects in chemical reactions.

Professor Yiqin Gao's webpage: