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Applied Mathematician Prof. Hao Ge Joined BIOPIC


Prof. Hao Ge, an applied mathematician, has joined BIOPIC as PI recently and started to establish his research group at Peking University.
Prof.. Hao Ge was born in Jiangsu Province, China. He received his PhD degree of mathematics from Peking University in 2008. He was an associate professor at Fudan University at Shanghai before moving to Peking University. Prof. Ge worked with Prof. Sunney Xie as a visiting scholar in Harvard University between September 2010 and August 2011.
Prof.. Hao Ge is familiar with probability theory and stochastic processes, nonequilibrium thermodynamics and statistical mechanics as well as fundamental knowledge of chemistry and biology. He has published about 20 peer-review articles on many different journals, including Physical Review Letters, Physics Report, Physical Review E,Journal of Physical Chemistry B and Journal of Chemical Physics.
Prof. Hao Ge is interested in the application of stochastic processes to statistical physics and biochemistry, which matches the direction of BIOPIC very well. He will collaborate with BIOPIC experimentalists closely, and study the stochasticity at single-molecule and single-cell levels. He also will try to combine bioinformatic data and the perspective of stochastic modeling, in order to study several key questions of biology. Meanwhile, he will also continue to develop the framework of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics for mesoscopic living systems.
Prof. Hao Ge said, “BIOPIC is a distinguished interdisciplinary research center in China. I quite value such an opportunity to collaborate with outstanding experimentalists. I hope I could advance my career here.”