Add:Rm. 201, Biomedical Pioneering Innovation Center, Integrated Science Research Center No.2,Peking University

Lab Web:

Wulan Deng

2019-PresentPrincipal Investigator, Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Genomics

2019-PresentPrincipal Investigator, Biomedical Pioneering Innovation Center, Peking University

2019-PresentPrincipal Investigator, Peking-Tsinghua Center for Life Sciences

2017-2019Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California, Berkeley

2012-2017Research Specialist, Janelia Research Campus of HHMI

Research Interests

Deng's group will focuse on the regulation mechanisms of transcription and chromatin, and their dynamics at single molecular level.

Selected Publication
  1. Wang Z#, Wang B#, Niu D#, Yin C, Bi Y, Cattoglio C, Loh KM, Lavis LD, Ge H, Deng W*. Mesoscale chromatin confinement facilitates target search of pioneer transcription factors in live cells. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 2024.
  2. Han X, Xing L, Hong Y, Zhang X, Hao B, Lu JY, Huang M, Wang Z, Ma S, Zhan G, Li T, Hao X, Tao Y, Li G, Zhou S, Zheng Z, Shao W, Zeng Y, Ma D, Zhang W, Xie Z, Deng H, Yan J, Deng W, Shen X. Nuclear RNA homeostasis promotes systems-level coordination of cell fate and senescence. Cell Stem Cell. 2024 May 2;31(5):694-716.e11.
  3. ​Wang H, Li B, Zuo L, Wang B, Yan Y, Tian K, Zhou R, Wang C, Chen X, Jiang Y, Zheng H, Qin F, Zhang B, Yu Y, Liu CP, Xu Y, Gao J, Qi Z, Deng W, Ji X. The transcriptional coactivator RUVBL2 regulates Pol II clustering with diverse transcription factors. Nat Communications 2022;13(1):5703.
  4. Z. Wang, and W. Deng#, Dynamic transcription regulation at the single-molecule level. Developmental Biology 482, 67–81(2022).
  5. W. Deng#, X. Shi, R. Tjian, T. E. E. Lionnet, and R. H. Singer#, CASFISH: CRISPR/Cas9-mediated in situ labeling of genomic loci in fixed cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 11870-11875 (2015).
  6. S. C. Knight, L. Xie, W. Deng, B. Guglielmi, L. B. Witkowsky, L. Bosanac, E. T. Zhang, M. E. Beheiry, J.-B. Masson, M. Dahan, and Z. Liu, Dynamics of CRISPR-Cas9 genome interrogation in living cells. Science 350, 823-827 (2015).
  7. W. Deng*, J. W. Rupon*, I. Krivega, L. Breda, I. Motta, K. S. Jahn, A. Reik, P. D. Gregory, S. Rivella, A. Dean, and G. A. Blobel, Reactivation of developmentally silenced globin genes by forced chromatin looping, Cell 158, 849-860 (2014).
  8. W. Deng, J. Lee, H. Wang, J. Miller, A. Reik, P. D. Gregory, A. Dean, and G. A. Blobel, Controlling long-range genomic interactions at a native locus by targeted tethering of a looping factor. Cell 149, 1233-1244 (2012).
  9. T. Tripic*, W. Deng*, Y. Cheng, Y. Zhang, C. R. Vakoc, G. D. Gregory, R. C. Hardison, G. A. Blobel, SCL and associated proteins distinguish active from repressive GATA transcription factor complexes. Blood 113, 2191–2201 (2009).