Add:Rm.222,Wangkezhen Building,Peking University

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Yujie Sun

2011-Present, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Pioneering Innovation Center, College of Life Sciences & Adjunct Assistant Professor, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University

2005-2010Postdoctoral Fellow & Senior Investigator, Pennsylvania Muscle Institute & Nano/Bio Interface Center, University of Pennsylvania

2005PhDUniversity of PittsburghChemistry

1999MSUniversity of Sci. & Tech. ChinaChemistry

1996BSUniversity of Sci. & Tech. ChinaChemistry

Research Interests

Single molecule techniques have become the essential means for life sciences. One of their ultimate goals is to observe, in a live cell at real time, the dynamics of single molecules, including bio-macromolecules, thereby at the molecular level, to understand cellular processes under the physiological condition. The main direction of the Lab of Single Molecule and Live Cell Dynamics is to invent, develop, and apply new and present single molecule techniques, including super-resolution single molecule fluorescence microscopy and single molecule manipulation, and to study the gene regulation and expression of live cells, such as cancer cells and stem cells, at the molecular cell and advance the research of cancer therapy and stem cell. Collaborating with other PIs at BIOPIC, we are going to push forward the following research directions using super-resolution imaging and live-cell imaging techniques(1) Gene regulation and expression of mammals; (2) The role of stochastic gene expression in stem cell differentiation; (3) Using flow cytometry, microfluidics, and high-throughput sequencing, we will advance our understanding of gene regulation from the level of single cell to the level of cell colony, tissue, and organs, and understand at the higher order of life, how gene regulation and expression are coordinated among cells.

Awards and Honors

2017, Bayer Investigator Award

2014, Tonghuadongbao Teacher's Award, College of Biology, Peking University

2012, Youth Qianren Program, Ministry of Science and Technology

2010Best Poster Award, PMI Annual Meeting, University of Pennsylvania

2007Best Poster Award, Physiology Department Annual Meeting, University of Pennsylvania

2006Best Poster Award, Physiology Department Annual Meeting, University of Pennsylvania

2006, Postdoctoral Travel Award, Biophysical Society, Molecular Motor Discussions Meeting

2000, Safford Award for Excellence as a Graduate Student Teacher, University of Pittsburgh

Selected Publication​

1. Hongchen Zhang, Shipeng Shao*, Yong Zeng, Xiaotian Wang, Yizhi Qin, Qiunan Ren, Shengqi Xiang, Yuxin Wang, Junyu Xiao, and Yujie Sun*, “Reversible Phase Separation of HSF1 Is Required for Acute Transcriptional Response During Heat Shock.” Nat Cell Biol, 2022, 24: 340–352.

2. J Yuyang Lu, Lei Chang, Tong Li, Ting Wang , Yafei Yin, Ge Zhan, Xue Han, Ke Zhang, Yibing Tao, Michelle Percharde, Liang Wang, Qi Peng, Pixi Yan, Hui Zhang, Xianju Bi, Wen Shao, Yantao Hong, Zhongyang Wu, Runze Ma, Peizhe Wang, Wenzhi Li, Jing Zhang, Zai Chang, Yingping Hou, Bing Zhu, Miguel Ramalho-Santos, Pilong Li, Wei Xie, Jie Na, Yujie Sun* and Xiaohua Shen*, “Homotypic Clustering of L1 and B1/Alu Repeats Compartmentalizes the 3D Genome”, Cell Res, 2021, 31(6): 613-630.

3. Qian Peter Su*, Ziqing Winston Zhao*, Luming Meng, Miao Ding, Weiwei Zhang, Yongzheng Li, Mengzhu Liu, Rongqin Li,Yi-Qin Gao, Xiaoliang Sunney Xie*, and Yujie Sun*, “Super-resolution Imaging Reveals Spatio-temporal Propagation of Human Replication Foci Mediated by CTCF-organized Chromatin Structures”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2020, 117(26), 15036-15046.

4. Mian Wei, Xiaoying Fan, Miao Ding, Ruifeng Li, Shipeng Shao, Yingping Hou, Shaoshuai Meng, Fuchou Tang, Cheng Li, Yujie Sun*, “Nuclear actin regulates inducible transcription by enhancing RNA polymerase II clustering”, Sci Adv, 2020, 6: eaay6515.

5. Hao, H., Niu, J., Xue, B., Su, Q. P., Liu, M., Yang, J., Qin, J., Zhao, S., Wu, C.*, Sun, Y.*, "Golgi-associated Microtubules Are Fast Cargo Tracks and Required for Persistent Cell Migration." EMBO Rep, 2020, 21: e48385.

6. Xuanze Chen, Rongqin Li, Zhihe Liu, Kai Sun, Zezhou Sun, Danni Chen, Gaixia Xu, Peng Xi, Changfeng Wu*, & Yujie Sun*, “Photoblinking Small Semiconductor Polymer Dots for Fluorescence Nanoscopy”, Adv Mater, 2017, 29(5): 1604850.

7. Xuanze Chen, Mian Wei, M. Mocarlo Zheng, Jiaxi Zhao, Huiwen Hao, Lei Chang, Peng Xi, and Yujie Sun*, “Study of RNA Polymerase II Clustering inside Live-Cell Nuclei Using Bayesian Nanoscopy”, ACS Nano, 2016, 10: 2447–54.

8. Shipeng Shao, Weiwei Zhang, Huan Hu, Boxin Xue, Jinshan Qin, Chaoying Sun, Yuao Sun, Wensheng Wei, Yujie Sun*, “Long-term Dual-color Tracking of Genomic Loci by Modified sgRNAs of the CRISPR/Cas9 System”, Nucleic Acids Res., 2016, 44: e86.

9. Zhen Liu, Dong Xing, Qian Su, Xinyu Kong, Jiamei Zhang, Boxin Xue, Hao Sun, Sheng Wang, Yile Tao, Yujie Sun*, “Superresolution Imaging and Tracking of Protein-Protein Interaction in Subdiffraction Cellular Space”, Nature Comm., 2014, 5: 4443-49.

10. Sangjin Kim, Erik Broströmer, Dong Xing, Jianshi Jin, Shasha Chong, Hao Ge, Siyuan Wang, Chan Gu, Lijiang Yang, Yi Qin Gao, Xiao-dong Su*, Yujie Sun*, X. Sunney Xie*, “Probing Allostery Through DNA”, Science, 2013, 339: 816-819.​