
E-mail:tangfuchou AT
Add: Biomedical Pioneering Innovation Center, Integrated Science Research Center No.2,Peking University
Mailing Address:BIOPIC, Integrated Science Research Center, Peking University, Yiheyuan Rd., No. 5, Haidian District, Beijing, 100871

Lab Web:

Fuchou Tang
Professor (PI)

2015-Present, Peking Unviersity-Tsinghua University Center for Life Sciences, Principle Investigator

2010-Present, BIOPIC, College of Life Sciences, Peking University, Principle Investigator

2004-2010, Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge, Postdoctoral Research Associate

2003, Ph. D., Peking University, Biology

1998, B. S., Peking University, Biology

Research Interests

Germline cells are the cells critical for transmitting genomic information from generation to generation to keep a multicellular organism species immortal. Germline cells include totipotent zygotes & early cleavage stage embryos, pluripotent inner cell mass (ICM) & epiblasts (EPI), primordial germ cells (PGCs), fetal germ cells (FGCs), female germ cells during oogenesis, male germ cells during spermatogenesis, mature oocytes and mature sperm. During germline development, all of the epigenetic changes need to be reset back (reprogramming) at the next generation. So the epigenetic regulations in germline cells are most complex and most accurate in multicellular organisms. Dissecting the molecular mechanisms of germline development is important for understanding human development, and for its application of precision medicine in order to cure related human diseases. Our lab focuses on the epigenetic mechanisms of human germline development as well as tumorigenesis. Through this, we want to understand the epigenetic regulation of human germline development and the global epigenetic programming & reprogramming during this process. We use single-cell sequencing technologies (single-cell genome, transcriptome, DNA methylome, chromatin accessibility, 3D genome, as well as multi-omics sequencing technologies), genome editing, embryo micromanipulation, derivation and culture of organoids, directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells to analyze the epigenetic basis of the gene regulation network during human germline development at single-cell and single-base resolution. These works may lead to better diagnosis and treatment of related infertility, sterility, and tumors.

Awards and Honors

2021,The Xplorer Prize

2017, Bayer Investigator Award

2016, NSFC, Distinguished Young Investigator Award

2015, Guxiaocheng Lecture Award, Ray Wu Fouddation

2015, "Accurate Deduction of Maternal Genome Information" Listed as Top 10 China’s Scientific Advances in 2014

2013, NSFC, Excellent Young Investigator Award

Selected Publication​
  1. Liu Z, Hu Y, Xie H, Chen K, Wen L, Fu W, Zhou X*, Tang Fuchou*. (2024). Single-cell chromatin accessibility analysis reveals the epigenetic basis and signature transcription factors for the molecular subtypes of colorectal cancers. Cancer Discovery. 14: 1082-1105
  2. Li W, Lu J, Lu P, Gao Y, Bai Y, Chen K, Su X, Li M, Liu J, Chen Y, Wen L, Tang Fuchou*. (2023). scNanoHi-C: a single-cell long-read concatemer sequencing method to reveal high-order chromatin structures within individual cells. Nature Methods. 20: 1493-1505
  3. Lin J, Xue X, Wang Y, Zhou Y, ..., Liu M, Wen L, Tang Fuchou*. (2023). scNanoCOOL-seq: a long-read single-cell sequencing method for multi-omics profiling within individual cells. Cell Research. 33: 879-882
  4. Zhou Y, Bian S, ..., Fu W*, Tang Fuchou*. (2020). Single-Cell Multiomics Sequencing Reveals Prevalent Genomic Alterations in Tumor Stromal Cells of Human Colorectal Cancer. Cancer Cell. 38(6):818-828.e5
  5. Zhou F, Wang R, Yuan P, Ren Y, ..., Lian Y, Li J, Wen L, Yan L, Qiao J*, Tang Fuchou*. (2019) Reconstituting the transcriptome and DNA methylome landscapes of human implantation. Nature, 572: 660-664
  6. Zhu P, Guo H, Ren Y, ..., Wen L, Yan L*, Qiao J*, Tang Fuchou*. (2018) Single-cell DNA methylome sequencing of human preimplantation embryos. Nature Genetics. 50: 12-19
  7. Bian S, Hou Y, Zhou X, Li X, Yong J, ..., Zhu P, Xiu D, Yan L, Wen L, Qiao J*, Tang Fuchou*, Fu W*. (2018) Single-cell multiomics sequencing and analyses of human colorectal cancer. Science, 362: 1060-1063
  8. Guo F, Yan L, Guo H, Li L, Hu B, Zhao Y, Yong J, Hu Y, Wang X, Wei Y, Wang W, Li R, ......, Wen L, Gao Y, Tang Fuchou*, Qiao J*. (2015). The Transcriptome and DNA Methylome Landscapes of Human Primordial Germ Cells. Cell 161, 1437-1452
  9. Guo H, Zhu P, Yan L, Li R, Hu B, Lian Y, Yan J, Ren X, Lin S, Li J, Jin X, Shi X, Liu P, Wang X, Wang W, Wei Y, Li X, Guo F, Wu X, Fan X, Yong J, Wen L, Xie SX, Tang Fuchou*, Qiao J*. (2014). Nature. 511: 606-610
  10. Hou Y, Fan W, Yan L, Li R, Lian Y, Huang J, Li J, Xu L, Tang Fuchou*, Xie XS*, Qiao J*. (2013). Genome analyses of single human oocytes. Cell. 155:1492-1506