Add:Rm.306, Biomedical Pioneering Innovation Center, Integrated Science Research Center No.2,Peking University
Mailing Address:BIOPIC, Integrated Science Research Center No.2, Peking University, Yiheyuan Rd., No. 5, Haidian District, Beijing, 100871

Lab Web:

Zemin Zhang
BIOPIC PI,Director

2022.03-Present, Director, Biomedical Pioneering Innovation Center, Peking University

2014-PresentTenured Full Professor, Peking University, School of Life Sciences

2014-PresentPeking University-Tsinghua University Center of Life Sciences, Senior Principle Investigator

2014-PresentBIOPICPeking University, Principal Investigator

1998-2014, Genentech Inc., South San Francisco, CA

1995-1998, Postdoctoral Fellow, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (Laboratory of Yuet Wai Kan) University of California, San Francisco, CA

Research Interests

Zhang Lab is devoted to using the cutting-edge genomics and bioinformatics technologies to study fundamental problems of cancer biology and tumor heterogeneity. The current main research directions include: 1) dissecting tumor microenvironment, especially the accurate composition and functional status of tumor-infiltrating immune cells; 2) dissecting the heterogeneity of the tumor microenvironment and its impact on patient treatment; 3) developing innovative bioinformatics tools and resources to analyze, integrate, and visualize genomic data.

Awards and Honors

2024, JCA International Award

2023, Member of Chinese Academy of Science

2023, Top 10 Advances of Bioinformatics in China (selected in 2024)

2023, Top 10 Research Advances of Hematology in China (selected in 2024)

2022, Top 10 Advances of Bioinformatics in China (selected in 2023)

2022, Cell Press Paper of the Year Award x2 (2021) in China

2021, Top 10 Advances of Bioinformatics in China (selected in 2022)

2021, Best of Cell 2020

2021, Cell Press Paper of the Year Award (2020) in China

2020, The First Prize of Beijing Natural Science Award

2020, Cell Press Paper of the Year Award (2019) in China

2019, Top 10 Advances of Bioinformatics in China (selected in 2020)

2019, Bayer Investigator Award

2018, Cell Press Paper of the Year Award (2017) in China

2018 Top 10 Advances of Bioinformatics in China (selected in 2019)

2018, Scientific Chinese Person of the Year (Biology)

2017, Top 10 Advances of Biological Sciences in China (selected in 2018)

2017, Top 10 Biomedical Advances in China (selected in 2018)

2017, The Boehringer Ingelheim Investigator Award

2017, Peking University Translational Research Individual PI Award

2014, Cheung Kong Scholar, awarded by the Ministry of Education and Li Ka Shing Foundation

1989, CUSBEA Scholar (China-US Biochemistry Exchange and Application Program)

Featured scientist in the 2005 Genentech Annual Report, and 2012 Genentech Billboard (with theme “To us, science is personal”)

Genentech Key Contributor Awards (multiple times)

Selected Publication
  1. F. Tang, J. Li, L. Qi, …, L. Zhu*, H. Peng*, D. Wang*, and Z. Zhang*. (2023) A pan-cancer single-cell panorama of human natural killer cells. Cell, 186:4235
  2. D. Wang, B, Liu, and Z. Zhang*. (2023) Accelerating the understanding of cancer biology through the lens of genomics. Cell, 186:1755

  3. Z. Liu and Z. Zhang*. (2022) Mapping cell types across human tissues. Science, 376(6594):695

  4. L. Zheng, S. Qin, W. Si, …, Z. Bu*, X. Hu*, J. Ji*, and Z. Zhang*. (2021) Pan-cancer single cell landscape of tumor-infiltrating T cells. Science, 374:abe6474

  5. S. Cheng, Z. Li, R. Gao, …, Z. Bu*, J. Ji*, and Z. Zhang*. (2021) A pan-cancer single-cell transcriptional atlas of tumor infiltrating myeloid cells. Cell, 184:792

  6. X. Ren, W. Wen, …, J. Chen*, R. Jin*, and Z. Zhang*, (2021) COVID-19 immune features revealed by a large-scale single cell transcriptome atlas, Cell, 184:1895

  7. PCAWG Transcriptome Core Group, C. Calabrese, N. R. Davidson, …, A. Brazma*, A. N. Brooks*, J. Göke*, G. Rätsch*, R. F. Schwarz*, O. Stegle*, Z. Zhang* & PCAWG Consortium. (2020) Genomic basis for RNA alterations in cancer. Nature, 578:129-136

  8. Q. Zhang, Y. He, N. Luo, …, K. Liu*, J. Peng*, X. Ren*, and Z. Zhang* (2019) Landscape and dynamics of single immune cells in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cell, 179:829

  9. L. Zhang, X. Yu, L. Zheng, Y. Zhang, …, Z. Shen*, W. Ouyang*, and Z. Zhang*. (2018) Lineage tracking reveals dynamic relationships of T cells in colorectal cancer. Nature, 564:268

  10. C. Zheng, L. Zheng, …, W. Ouyang*, J. Peng*, and Z. Zhang*. (2017) Landscape of infiltrating T cells in liver cancer revealed by single-cell sequencing. Cell, 169, 134