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Welcome to Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Genomics at Peking University (ICG), China.


The Introduction of ICG

Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Genomics (ICG)(http://icg.pku.edu.cn/en/)is a new research center founded by Beijing Municipal Government at Peking University in 2016. The director of ICG is Prof. Xiaoliang Sunney Xie. The center aims to conduct cutting-edge research in genomic medicine, in order to provide new health solutions to the general population. The center aspires to become a leading player in the genetic diagnosis revolution by maintaining the focus on the future and promoting the application of a variety of genomic technologies into medical diagnosis. A long-term goal of ICG is to reduce the propagation of life-threatening genetic defects and cancer-related death rate in China and worldwide.

“Advanced” has three layers of implications. The Center sets lofty aims of serving the urgent and long-term need of the society as well as making scientific discoveries that have fundamental impact on the advancement of science. The Center will attract demonstrated top talents from around the world and train young scientists that promise great potential. It aims at helping to translate the latest biomedical research breakthroughs into new diagnostic tools and treatments in medical practices, with a highly collaborative and multi-disciplinary approach. Research Direction: 1. Precision Single Cell Genomics; 2. Precision Genome Editing; 3. Function Analysis of Genome; 4. Translational Medicine (preferable cancer).

北京大学北京未来基因诊断高精尖创新中心(http://icg.pku.edu.cn/)是北京市在2016年在北京大学新成立的一个多学科前沿交叉研究中心,英文Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Genomics,简称ICG。中心以基因组学关键突破为基础,以人民健康重大问题为导向,目标是建设成为国际领先的基因诊断研究机构。中心面向未来,将引领国际基因组学的新革命,推动世界基因诊断新技术的发展。中心以人为本,强调源头创新和合作,促进高校内部不同学科、高校之间、高校与其他科研机构、高校与医院的合作以及国际合作,整合从基础研究直至临床应用的资源,加速基础科学突破到医学的转化。研究领域:基因组的精准测量、基因组编辑和改造、基因组的功能解读等。

Qualifications for ICG Visiting Professor

All applicants MUST meet these minimum qualifications to be considered for the position.

PhD or professional equivalent.

Distinction in research and teaching in the field of genetics studies or related areas. Visiting professor candidates should be widely recognized for their distinction and professional accomplishments.

Visiting associate professor candidates should have already achieved a Principal Investigator or tenured position at their respective home universities or institutes.


ICG provides a globally competitive remuneration to successful candidates

Important Dates

We offer two application opportunities each academic year: deadlines for this year are Aug. 20, 2018 and Feb. 20, 2019.

ICG will respond by email within a month after the application deadlines.

Application Materials

1. Application letter

2. Curriculum vitae

3. Three reference letters sent directly to the following mailbox address: li_ben@pku.edu.cn. Please note that among the three reference letters, there must be one from a current ICG PI who would be the potential collaborator with the candidate. The list of current ICG PIs can be found at the following website: http://icg.pku.edu.cn/en/research.aspx/

4. Your research proposal in ICG

Please do not hesitate to contact li_ben@pku.edu.cn if you have any questions.