



2024-至今 北京大学生物医学前沿创新中心(BIOPIC),副主任

2024.03-至今 北大-清华生命科学联合中心研究员

2022-至今 北京大学生物医学前沿创新中心(BIOPIC),教授

2020-至今 北京未来基因诊断高精尖创新中心(ICG),研究员

2014-至今 北京大学生物医学前沿创新中心(BIOPIC),研究员

2011-2014 北京大学生物医学前沿创新中心(BIOPIC),副研究员

2009-2011 日本大阪大学先端生命机能研究科,JSPS博士后

2008-2009 英国牛津大学物理系,博士后

2008 英国牛津大学,理学博士

2003 北京大学,理学学士


2011年全职回国之后,白凡实验室致力于创新和应用单细胞技术,探索生物医学前沿交叉领域:1)在癌症病人外周血循环肿瘤细胞(CTCs)研究上取得重大突破,在世界范围第一个报道单个CTC的全基因组测序结果(PNAS, 2013; Genome Research, 2017),推进CTCs作为肿瘤无创诊断标志物的临床应用(Clinical Cancer Research, 2019),获得广泛关注,作为团队重要成员获2019年国家科技进步二等奖;2)发展激光显微切割结合微量细胞测序技术,实现石蜡病理切片下特殊形态区域的精确分离,低起始量的外显子测序。深入研究了肝癌的各种肝内转移病灶的异质性(Gastroenterology, 2016),揭示肝癌转移复杂的分子机制与混合型肝癌形成原因(Cancer Cell, 2019, 细胞出版社2019中国年度论文)。深入研究了多发性尿路上皮癌的致癌机制和多病灶间的克隆演化关系(European Urology, 2017),首次发现形态正常尿路上皮组织存在大量突变和克隆扩增(Science, 2020)发现人体正常组织体细胞突变的组织器官分布规律和特异性(Nature, 2021);3)应用单细胞转录组测序及免疫分型技术,发现鼻咽癌肿瘤细胞的“上皮-免疫”双重特性(Cell Research, 2020),揭示了儿童炎症性肠病的关键致病机制和治疗靶标(Cell, 2019, 中国临床医学十大进展),揭示了儿童胆道闭锁的关键致病机制和治疗方法(Cell, 2020);4)结合单细菌荧光成像和测序技术,深入探究了细菌耐药性产生的分子机制(Molecular Cell 2016; Molecular Cell 2019;获得Nature重点评述)。实验室研究方向:研究方向一:单细胞基因测序技术应用于癌症病人外周血循环肿瘤细胞研究,深入探索癌症转移的分子生物学机制及通过循环肿瘤细胞测序进行无创癌症诊断、预后判断、疗效评价的临床方法。研究方向二:大样本基因测序研究癌症发生、转移机制。针对明确的临床问题,采用基因测序手段研究中国人群高发癌症的基因突变特征,发掘引起癌症表型转化、转移的关键驱动事件。研究方向三:综合使用基因测序、荧光成像手段研究细菌行为、致病性,抗生素杀菌原理和细菌抗药、耐药的分子机制。



2023, 腾讯科学探索奖








2007,英国牛津大学WellcomeTrust VIP 研究学者



​(*indicates corresponding or co-corresponding authors, # indicates equal contributed first authors)


Single-cell Sequencing and Cancer Genomics

  1. Li F#, Xing X#, Jin Q#, ……, Yu C*, Chen L*, Bai F*, Gao D*, Sex differences orchestrated by androgens at single-cell resolution, Nature 629 (2024), 193-200

  2. Chen L#, Zhang C#, Xue R#, ……, Wu L*, Rozen SG*, Bai F*, Wang H*, Deep whole genome analysis of 494 hepatocellular carcinomas, Nature 624 (2024), 586-593

  3. Li R#, Di L#, Li J#, Fan W#, etc., Lin D*, Huang Y*, Wang J*, Bai F*, Wu C*, A body map of somatic mutagenesis in morphologically normal human tissues, Nature 597 (2021), 398-403
  4. Wang J#, Xu Y#, Chen Z#, Liang J#, Lin Z#, Liang H#, ……, Bai F*, Xia H*, Wen Z*, Zhang Y*, Liver immune profiling reveals pathogenesis and therapeutics for biliary atresia, Cell 183 (2020), pp. 1867-1883
  5. Li R#, Du Y#, Chen Z#, Xu D#, Lin T#, Jin S, Wang G, Liu Z, Lu M, Chen X, Xu T*, Bai F*, Macroscopic somatic clonal expansion in morphologically normal human urothelium, Science 370 (2020), pp. 82-89
  6. Jin S#, Li R#, Chen M#, Yu C#, Tang L#, …….., Mai H, Gewurz B, Zhao B, Young L, Zhong Q*, Bai F*, Zeng M*, Single-cell transcriptomic analysis defines the interplay between tumor cells, viral infection, and the microenvironment in nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Cell Research 30 (2020), pp. 950-965
  7. Zhang J#, Wang X#, Xing X#, Xu Z#, ……., Zhang Y, Zumla A, Maeurer M, Bai F*, Wang F*, Single-cell landscape of immunological responses in patients with COVID-19, Nature Immunology 21 (2020), pp. 1107-1118
  8. Zhang C#, Zhang L#, Xu T#, Xue R#, Yu L#, Zhu Y, Wu Y, Zhang Q, Li D, Shen S, Tan D, Bai F*, Zhang H*, Mapping the spreading routes of lymphatic metastases in human colorectal cancer, Nature Communications 11 (2020), 1993
  9. Wang X#, Lu Y#, Song Y#, Dong J#, Li R, Wang G, Wang X, Zhang S, Dong Z, Lu M, Wang S, Ge L, Luo G, Ma R, Rozen S, Bai F*, Wu D*, Ma L*, Integrative genomic study of Chinese clear cell renal cell carcinoma reveals features associated with thrombus, Nature Communications 11 (2020), 739
  10. Huang B#, Chen Z#, Geng L#, Wang J#, Liang H#, ......, Gong S*, Bai F*, Yang M*, Zhang Y*, Mucosal profiling of pediatric-onset colitis and IBD reveals common pathogenics and therapeutic pathways, Cell 179 (2019), pp. 1160-1176
  11. Fujimaki K#, Li R#, Chen H, Della Croce K, Zhang H, Xing J, Bai F*, Yao G*, Graded regulation of cellular quiescence depth between proliferation and senescence by a lysosomal dimmer switch, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 116 (2019), pp. 22624-22634
  12. Su Z#, Wang Z#, Ni X#, Duan J#, Gao Y#, Zhuo M, Li R, Zhao J, Ma Q, Bai H, Chen H, Wang S, Chen X, An T, Wang Y, Tian Y, Yu J, Wang D, Xie X*, Bai F*, Wang J*, Inferring evolution and progression of small-cell lung cancer by single-cell sequencing of circulating tumor cells, Clinical Cancer Research 25 (2019), pp. 5049-5060
  13. Xue R#, Chen L#, Zhang C#, Fujita M#, ……, Nakagawa H*, Zeng M*, Bai F*, Zhang N*, Genomic and transcriptomic profiling of combined hepatocellular and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma reveals distinct molecular subtypes, Cancer Cell 35 (2019), pp. 932-947
  14. Jiang Y#, Ma D#, Suo C#, Shi J#, Xue M#, Liu Y, Xiao Y, Hu X, Yu Y, Zhang J, Li B, Li X, Zheng Y, Ren L, Hou W, Zhao S, Gong Y, Ren Y, Zhang C, Niu Z, Bai F, Yu K, Wang P*, Shi L*, Huang W*, Shao Z*, The genomic and transcriptomic landscape of triple-negative breast cancer suggests subtype-specific treatment strategies in Chinese population, Cancer Cell 35 (2019), pp.428-440.e5
  15. Liu M#, Liu Y#, Deng L#, Wang D, He X, Zhou L, Wicha M, Bai F*, Liu S*, Transcriptional profiles of different states of cancer stem cells in triple-negative breast cancer, Molecular Cancer 17(2018), pp. 65
  16. Chen X#, Yan S#, Liu Y#, Zhong Q#, Chen Z#, Jin S#, Xia T, Li R, Zhou A, Su Z, Huang Y, Huang Q, Huang L, Zhang X, Zhao Y, Yun J, Wu Q, Lin D, Bai F*, Zeng M*, Genomic comparison of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and its precursor lesions by multi-region whole exome sequencing, Nature Communications 8 (2017), pp. 524
  17. Gao Y#, Ni X#, Guo H#, Su Z#, Ba Y#, Tong Z, Guo Z, Yao X, Chen X, Yin J, Yan Z, Guo L, Liu Y, Bai F*, Xie S*, Zhang N*, Single-cell sequencing deciphers a convergent evolution of copy number alterations from primary to circulating tumor cells, Genome Research 27 (2017), pp. 1312-1322
  18. Du Y#, Li R#, Chen Z#, Wang X, Xu T*, Bai F*, Mutagenic factors and complex clonal relationship of multifocal urothelial cell carcinoma, European Urology 71 (2017), pp. 841–843
  19. Xue R#, Li R#, Guo H#, Guo L#, Su Z, Ni X, Qi L, Zhang T, Li Q, Zhang Z, Xie XS, Bai F*, Zhang N*, Variable extent of intra-tumor heterogeneity revealed by genomic sequencing of multiple lesions in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, Gastroenterology 150 (2016), pp. 998-1008
  20. Ni X#, Zhuo M#, Su Z#, Duan J#, Gao Y#, Wang Z#, Zong C#, Bai H, Chapman A, Zhao J, Xu L, An T, Ma Q, Wang Y, Wu M, Sun Y, Wang S, Li Z, Yang X, Yong J, Su X, Lu Y, Bai F*, Xie X*, Wang J*, Reproducible copy number variation patterns among single circulating tumor cells of lung cancer patients, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110 (2013), pp. 21083-21088
  21. Lu S#, Zong C#, Fan W#, Yang M#, Li J, Chapman A, Zhu P, Hu X, Xu L, Yan L, Bai F, Qiao J, Tang F, Li R*, Xie X*, Probing meiotic recombination and aneuploidy of single sperm cells by whole genome sequencing, Science 338 (2012), pp. 1627-1630


Bacterial Physiology and Antibiotic Tolerance

  1. Zhuang X#, Guo S#, Li Z#, Zhao Z#, Kojima S, Homma M, Wang P, Lo C*, Bai F*, Live-cell fluorescence imaging reveals dynamic production and loss of bacterial flagella, Molecular Microbiology (2020), (April 07, 2020 online)
  2. Wang Y#, Tian T#, Zhang J#, Jin X#, Yue H, Zhang X, Du L, Bai F*, Indole reverses the intrinsic antibiotic resistance of Lysobacter by promoting the expression of a novel dual-function importer, mBio 10 (2019), e00676-19
  3. Pu Y#, Li Y#, Jin X#, Tian T#, Ma Q, Zhao Z, Lin S, Chen Z, Li B, Leake MC, Lo CJ, Bai F*, ATP-dependent dynamic protein aggregation regulates bacterial dormancy depth critical for antibiotic tolerance, Molecular Cell 73 (2019), pp. 1-14 (November 21, 2018 online)
  4. Zhao Z#, Zhao Y#, Zhuang X#, Lo W, Baker MA, Lo C*, Bai F*, Frequent pauses in Escherichia coli flagella elongation revealed by single cell real-time fluorescence imaging, Nature Communications 9 (2018), pp. 1885
  5. Chen M#, Zhao Z#, Yang J#, Peng K, Baker M, Bai F*, Lo C*, Length-dependent flagellar growth of Vibrio alginolyticus revealed by real time fluorescent imaging, eLife (2017), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.22140
  6. Pu Y, Ke Y*, Bai F*, Active efflux in dormant bacterial cells – new insights into antibiotic persistence, Drug Resistance Updates 30 (2017), pp. 7-14 (invited review)
  7. Buda R#, Liu Y#, Yang J#, Hegde S#, Stevenson K, Bai F*, Pilizota T*, Dynamics of Escherichia coli’s passive response to a sudden decrease in external osmolarity, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 113 (2016), pp. E5838-E5846
  8. Pu Y#, Zhao Z#, Li Y#, Zou J, Ma Q, Zhao Y, Ke Y, Zhu Y, Chen H, Baker A.B. M, Ge H, Sun Y, Xie XS*, Bai F*, Enhanced efflux activity facilitates drug tolerance in dormant bacterial cells, Molecular Cell 62 (2016), pp. 284-294
  9. Ma Q, Sowa Y, Baker M*, Bai F*, Conformational spread in the flagellar motor switch in response to CheY-P regulation and motor structural alterations, Biophysical Journal 110 (2016), pp. 1411-1420
  10. Xue R#, Ma Q#, Baker M, Bai F*, A delicate nanoscale motor made by nature-the bacterial flagellar motor, Advanced Science 2 (2015), pp. 1500129 (invited review)
  11. Bai F*, Che YS, Kami-ike N, Ma Q, Minamino T, Sowa Y, Namba K*, Populational heterogeneity vs. temporal fluctuation in Escherichia coli flagellar motor switching, Biophysical Journal 105 (2013), pp. 2123-2129
  12. Bai F, Minamino T, Wu Z, Namba K*, Xing J*, Coupling between switching regulation and torque generation in bacterial flagellar motor, Physical Review Letters 108 (2012), pp. 178105
  13. Ma Q, Nicolau D, Berry R, Maini P. Bai F*, Conformational spread in the flagellar motor switch: a model study, PLoS Computational Biology 8 (2012), pp. e1002523
  14. Bai F#, Branch R#, Nicolau D#, Pilizota T, Steel, B, Maini P, Berry R*, Conformational spread as a mechanism for cooperativity in the bacterial flagellar switch, Science 327 (2010), pp. 685-689
  15. Bai F, Lo C, Berry R, Xing J*, Model studies on the dynamics of bacterial flagellar motor, Biophysical Journal 96 (2009), pp. 3154-3167
  16. Leake MC, Chandler JH, Wadhams GH, Bai F, Berry RM, Armitage JP*, Stoichiometry and turnover in single, functioning membrane protein complexes, Nature 443 (2006), pp. 355-358 
  17. Xing J, Bai F, Berry R, Oster G*, Torque-speed relationship of the bacterial flagellar motor, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 103 (2006), pp. 1260-1265