首页» 中心PI» 刘河生




2021-现在   北京大学,北京大学生物医学前沿创新中心(BIOPIC),教授

2021-现在   昌平实验室,脑科学与类脑研究部,首席科学家

2019-2021   美国南卡罗莱纳医科大学,神经科学系,Smart State讲席教授

2019-2021   美国南卡罗莱纳医科大学,神经影像计算中心,主任

2012-2019   美国哈佛大学附属麻省总医院,脑个体差异实验室,主任

2016-2019   美国哈佛大学医学院,放射学系,副教授

2012-2016   美国哈佛大学医学院,放射学系,助理教授

2009-2012   美国哈佛大学医学院,放射学系,讲师

2006-2009   美国哈佛大学附属麻省总医院,放射学系,博士后

2004-2006   美国华盛顿州立大学,计算机科学,博士后






2021年 科技部创新人才

2021年 美国国际创伤后应激障碍学会Pierre Janet最佳论文奖

2019年 美国南卡罗来纳州 Smart State Endowed Chair

2013年 脑与行为研究基金会(NARSAD)青年研究员奖

  • Ren J, An N, Zhang Y, Wang D, Sun Z, Lin C, Cui W, Wang W, Zhou Y, Zhang W, Hu Q, Zhang P, Hu D, Wang D, Liu H. “SUGAR: Spherical Ultrafast Graph Attention Framework for Cortical Surface Registration”, Medical Image Analysis, 2024
  • Ren J, Ren W, Zhou Y, Dahmani L, Duan X, Fu X, Wang Y, Pan R, Zhao J, Zhang P, Wang B, Yu W, Chen Z, Zhang X, Sun J, Ding M, Huang J, Xu L, Li S, Wang W, Xie W, Zhang H, Liu H. “Personalized functional imaging-guided rTMS on the superior frontal gyrus for post-stroke aphasia: A randomized sham-controlled trial”, Brain Stimulation, 2023
  • Peng X, Liu Q, Hubbard C, Wang D, Zhu W, Fox MD, Liu H., “Robust dynamic brain coactivation states estimated in individuals”, Science Advances, 2023
  • Trambaiolli, L. R., Peng, X., Lehman, J. F., Linn, G., Russ, B. E., Schroeder, C. E., Liu, H. #, Haber, S. N. #, “Anatomical and functional connectivity support the existence of a salience network node within the caudal ventrolateral prefrontal cortex”, Elife, 11, 2022.
  • Cui W, Wang Y, Ren J, Hubbard CS, Fu X, Fang S, Wang D, Zhang H, Li Y, Li L, Jiang T., Liu H. “Personalized fMRI delineates functional regions preserved within brain tumors”. Annals of neurology, 2021.
  • Wang D., Peng X., Pelletier-Baldelli A., Orlov N., Farabaugh A., Nasr S., Eryilmaz H., Fava M., Holmes A., Roffman J.L., Liu H. #, Holt D. #, “Altered temporal, but intact spatial, features of transient network dynamics in psychosis”, Molecular Psychiatry, 2021
  • Yan Y., Dahmani L., Ren J., Shen L., Peng X., Wang R., He C., Jiang C., Gong C., Tian Y., Zhang J., Guo Y., Lin Y., Li S., Wang M., Li L., Hong B., Liu H., "Reconstructing lost BOLD signal in individual participants using deep machine learning", Nature Communications, 2020
  • Stoecklein S., Hilgendorff A., Li M., Förster K., Flemmer A.W., Galiè F., Wunderlich S., Wang D., Stein S., Ehrhardt H., Dietrich O., Zou Q., Zhou S., Ertl-Wagner B., Liu H. “Variable Functional Connectivity Architecture of the Preterm Human Brain: Impact of Developmental Cortical Expansion and Maturation” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2020
  • Lebois L., Li M., Baker J.T., Wolff J., Wang D., Grinspoon E., Winternitz S., Ren J., Ressler K., Liu H. #, Kaufman M. #, “Large-scale functional brain network architecture changes associated with trauma-related dissociation”, Am. J. Psychiatry, 2020
  • Shen L., Jiang C., Hubbard C.S., Ren J., He C., Wang D., Dahmani L., Guo Y., Liu Y., Xu S., Meng F., Zhang J., Liu H.# , Li L. # “Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation modulates two distinct neurocircuits”, Annals of Neurology, 2020
  • Stoecklein, V.M., Stoecklein, S., Galiè, F., Ren, J., Schmutzer, M., Unterrainer, M., Albert, N.L., Kreth, F.W., Thon, N., Liebig, T. and Ertl-Wagner, B., Tonn J.C., Liu H. “Resting-state fMRI Detects Alterations in Whole Brain Connectivity Related to Tumor Biology in Glioma Patients.” Neuro-Oncology. 2020
  • Liu H., Xiaolong Peng X., Dahmani L., Wang H. , Zhang M., Shan Y., Rong D., Guo Y., Li J., Li N., Wang L., Lin Y., Pan R. Lu J., Wang D., “Different stroke-induced striatal lesions lead to differential structural brain reorganization”, Neurology, 2020
  • Wang D., Li M., Wang M., Schoppe F., Ren J., Chen H., Ongur D., Baker J.T., Liu H., “Individual-specific functional connectivity markers track dimensional and categorical features of psychotic illness”, Molecular Psychiatry, 2020